God has to be providing protection for President Trump after going after him for seven years. I do not think Smith could withstand all he has gone through.
If I was f.or forced to testify against my will, I would go and every question I would plead the fifth. No matter the question the only answer they would get is I plead the fifth.
Yes trump is all right but some people want to drop out of the run .he is much better than the one in office. So please leave him along.1
The Democrats will do anything to control the American people and to stop Trump from getting us back on track and helping us get our Country back.
Damnation will result if Trump isn’t the next President of United States of America.
No one could stand up to what Trump has through 7 years of witch hunts. The demon rats are doing everything they can to try to keep him out of office. MAGA.