Lindsey Graham Erupts On CNN Host Over Democrats’ Radical Policies



Not sure about this guy!!

RINO. Don’t trust him.


  1. Amazing Lindsey Graham and Republicans losing their minds over abortion and the life of unborn child but faithfully support the NRA. No passion or defense of school children being shot to death. Exactly why they are going crazy over abortions to hide from gun control.

    • Many of your school shootings would not have happened if the school had some type of armed security guards. Your buddy, Bill Clinton banned AR15/AK47 type of rifles and yet there were at least 5 mass school shootings when he was president and NONE of those involved the weapons Clinton banned. Columbine was the worst and also had home made bombs planted all over the school. Luckily, none of those hurt anyone but the shotgun and handgun sure did a lot of damage. Think about the time some nitwit tried to shoot up a church in Texas, but some of the congregation was armed and stopped the shooter cold. Plus, an unborn baby has NO way to defend themselves or even hide from a murderous quack pretending to be a doctor. Why don’t you stop going crazy and educate yourself?

    • If someone broke into your home and threatened to torture your loved one or worse, would you wish you had a means to protect your family? Big difference between that and ripping limbs off babies or sucking their brains out.

    • Think about this, a gun can sit on a table for 30 years never shoot anyone,Put it in the hands of an unstable so called human, and you have a shooting. PLease don’t go after everyone for a few nuts. People have owned guns for 100’s of years, today too much anger, morels no longer looked at as good, no family time , no teaching of faith, Sad Sad world we live in.

  2. More unborn babies are murdered in one day than all the shootings thos year. But you are more concerned about guns than all those innocent unborn children.

  3. About guns if you had one on a table and said go and shoot someone nothing would happen showing it’s the person behind the gun and weather intentions are good or bad. That’s why we arm cops. Concerning abortion Gods word says I knew you while you were being formed in the whom. I know the narrative is I have the right to do with my body as I please. I believe abortion is murder because you are snuffing out the life of another individual. Check out aborted babies on YouTube’s NDEs. It comes down to responsibility ladies. If you don’t want to deal with it…Don’t do it. BTW if you are expecting and are in a bind Jim Bakkers Lories House can help.

  4. How many children have been killed by abortion in the last year? Close to a million. How many have been killed in school shootings in the last year? Fewer than 100.

    Next: abortions are legal, and no one is proposing that all abortions at any time be illegal, but Democrats urge that all abortions at any time for any reason should be legal; some go so far as to say that if a baby survives an abortion and is born alive, the hospital or clinic need not take any action to preserve its life. On the other hand, school shootings are illegal, and no gun rights advocate is proposing that they be made legal. On the other hand, many gun control advocates urge that no one but the police and the military be permitted to own a gun.

    In both cases, the extreme position is one held by Democrats.

    • In case someone wants to deny the bit about babies born alive from abortions–it happened in Illinois. At Christ Hospital (how ironic!) in Oak Lawn, Illinois, where I lived at the time–in fact my wife had been a nurse there years before–a nurse reported that the hospital was denying such babies any care and letting them die. A bill was introduced to require that efforts be made to save the baby’s life in such cases. It failed. One of those who preferred to let those babies die was then-state senator Barack Obama, who voted no. My (Democratic) state representative voted for the bill.


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