None of this would have happened if Trump was president. Thank you to all the democrats!
Vote for all Republicans on the ballet. Get both houses and we can undo the damage Biden has done.
None of this would have happened if Trump was president. Thank you to all the democrats!
Vote for all Republicans on the ballet. Get both houses and we can undo the damage Biden has done.
If Trump who should be the legit president were President none if this mess Joey created would’ve been happening. No more need be said.
When we had President Trump we were pretty much at peace with the world. Now that we have “president” Biden we’re in one hell of a mess. He’s constantly talking about a nuclear Armagedón as though he wants us in a nuclear war. Biden must think he’s some sort of great wartime leader when he’s anything but a leader in any way.
Dummycrats stock piling medicine for themselves is what is going on.
Figures.. this is just the way they roll. Biden is over the hill . He was a huge mistake, but…… what are the prospects on either side for 24
Just enough meds for the dem politicians! What a coincidence…