It’s Hard To Believe This Clown Made Admiral


We need answers.


John Kirby worked at CNN for the last 3 years prior to joining this Administration let that sink in for a minute.

It’s hard to believe this clown made admiral…what a joke played on the Navy!


  1. Where do they pick up these totally incompetent,deranged, embarrassing, people, none of them should be in there jobs.LOL dumbest adminstration ever.

  2. Our military has been compromised and the troops are being left behind. Hear is the truth about people being promoted to high ranking jobs they are not qualified. Kirby: unqualified but a great CNN ass kisser. Admiral? Rachel Levine: a man who thought it would be nice being woman so he(it) could lead our children to a life as a freak of society. Needs to be an inmate not an Admiral. Sick people who are being pacified because of sickness. This isn’t the military I was part of! This is disrespect to those who serve and those earn their promotions.

    • This is is a total disgrace and insult to our military – it is a major slap in the face to all of our wonderful current military personnel and their families and veterans and families! I myself am a proud wife, daughter, step-daughter, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law of honorable Navy veterans.
      “It” is correct! There are just 3 genders: he, she and it. Leave our kids alone!! They are what God made them! In the meantime parents, teach your kids before they are corrupted by this insane, immoral admin. et al.

      God Bless America!

  3. Our Military is being WOKE. IT’S not who U know it’s who U BLOW ! Or who Sleep With 🤗🤗🤗🤗. And Irony is one of them FOKES.

    • When I was in the 82nd, it was “MOHICA”, Move Over Here It Comes Again. They got to clean house. No problem throwing money at stuff. The taxpayers will give us more. Trump had LTG (ret) Keith Kellogg working on a plan to bring troops out of Afghanistan. Years ago he was one of the top BN Commanders in the 82nd Abn. He and Pres Trump had this thing perfect. Milley one day mentioned to Trump “he’d leave all the weaponry and pull out”. Trump thought he was crazy! Sure enough, Austin and Milley must have gotten this across to the brain-dead fossil in the Oval Office and left $85,000,000,000 of high-tech weaponry, vehichles, aircraft and accoutrements there at the blink of an eye for the enemy! They could have droned it? So why in Hell are we letting these idiots steal another $800,000,000 from us and hire 87,000 more IRS Agents to rob more from the taxpayers??? All 3 of them should be in Leavenworth!


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