Hollywood Legend Silences Host by Calling BS on Diversity Plan for Oscars | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report



It’s not just treating people like children though, it’s turning then into children, scared helpless angry children with mental health issues.

Mad respect for Richard Dreyfuss !


  1. Hooray for Richard Dreyfuss! He has spoken truth to idiocy. I wish other prominent people in the profession would follow suit. I have been particularly distressed by British historical dramas which, for the sake of diversity, have rewritten the author’s (Caucasian) characters to change them to persons of color—which makes them inauthentic to the history of the time. I cannot bear to watch those productions, no matter how well acted; the dissonance is almost painful to me. It’s very nice that they’re giving more acting opportunities to actors who are not white, but please don’t rewrite history to do so.

  2. Actors etc worth their salt would want to earn a role or job based on their superior skills rather than a formula. Most artistic performers would be ashamed to think they were hired not because they were most suited for the job/role, but only because of a number requirement. It’s back to the college quotas rather than scores or earned position.
    Morgan Freeman said, “Don’t insult me by giving me 1 month out of twelve to be acknowledged. I should be equally considered in every month.” If their work is superior they should get the job regardless of race or numbers. Don’t force a sub par actor down someone’s throat unless he’s the best available.
    Don’t insist on giving someone the award unless he earned it. Don’t take shortcuts or dumb it down for anyone just to spread the awards/jobs around.
    You wouldn’t want to go to a doctor last in his class no matter what race. You want to see the doctors in the top of their class, the ones who actually EARNED that spot, and would most probably provide the best care – – no matter what race.


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