Watch! Rand Paul Gets up and criticizes the entire Democrats in congress
Back in the 1800s people were a lot smarter. Everybody thinks we have much more technology and intelligence today but rarely do I see someone really looking at the bottom line. The dumbing down of the American public, being educated by teachers and professors pushing political agendas has all but destroyed our country.
Great speech but the ones he is speaking to will keep doing what they are doing spending taxpayers money.
Rand Paul is a unique politician who speaks the truth about all matters and to all people. He is NOT afraid of the truth. He reminds me of Daniel Patrick Moynihan who also did not fear, rather embraced, the truth. Every politician in both parties, especially the Democrat, should compare themselves to these two men and speak out about
Truth no matter the consequences. Do not follow the crowd, follow the truth. It will set us free.
Oh, how I wish all this were true! Sadly, it’s just wishful thinking.
I do not agree with Paul often , but he is right here!! America is regressing daily under these Idiots that are in charge, Democrat and Republican!! We 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots, red, yellow, black, white have had enough!!! We are the best American Militia there has ever been!! We are going to make sure of a regime change before it is too late!!! 1 American Patriot, Ultra MAGAN “READY” TO TAKE THEM TO THE “TRAIN STATION” NOW!!!!! RIDE THEM OUT OF THE COUNTRY!!!NEVER TO MAKE ANOTHER DECISION FOR “AMERICA”