Feminists Outraged Over Soccer Star Pulling 4d Chess Move On Gold Digger Wife Divorcing Him!



Honestly, if you’re a real feminist I feel like you shouldn’t be wanting half of something you didn’t work for anyways.

I’d rather be called a Mama’s boy than lose half of my assets to an ungrateful ex.


  1. You are talking off the top of your head. You don’t really know why this couple is divorcing. You don’t know why the law allows women to get a percentage of their divorced husbands assets. You don’t know that it is a husband’s obligation to provide for his wife, and in return, she bears children and takes care of them. You don’t know what community property is, and in most civilized societies, a husband still has the obligation to support his wife and children. You have no idea how many husbands will renege on supporting their children, even though the law says that he must support them.
    You assume that this guy is totally innocent of the charges that are being made against him, and that his wife has a good reason to divorce him. His wife’s $2 million is nothing compared to his $70 million, and parting with half of it is not parting with all of it. Just because a woman works, along with taking care of the kids, doesn’t mean that her husband should not be giving her alimony. After all, she had to put up with him and whatever his issues are, and three years with someone who is miserly toward you can feel like 30. I’d be likely to go along with what you were saying if they hadn’t had any children, and had only been married for 6 months, but you are automatically taking the side of the husband without knowing all of the facts. It is also clear to me that putting all his money in his mother’s name was a trick to get even with a wife who might divorce him. In fact, he’s probably committing some sort of fraud. I believe in case it such as this it is possible for the ex-wife to go after her mother-in-law’s money because she is basically holding it for her son. Even if it was the mother-in-law’s money, and not his, courts will often make her responsible for child support and even alimony.
    Finally, just because you don’t like the wife, it doesn’t mean that the husband does not have an obligation to her.


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