I am open to hearing it all even if I don’t like what’s being said. It wasn’t long ago that I asked my grandson what rabbit hole was he going down. That is when he argued and fought with me not to take the jab. I thought he was losing his mind for a long time. So now, I am open to it all! It has absolutely made me listen to things differently for the rest of my life. I will listen and learn as things unfold.
My respect for Redacted has grown after this neutral and just interview ❤❤❤
The first casualty in every war will be the truth. The second casualty will be the war plan. Nothing seems to survive first contact. “Friendly fire” is not friendly, everything from bullets to nukes is unfriendly to all present inside the affected area.
Yes. The collateral damage will be terrible. There will always be problems like that when there can be no agreement between terrorists and their target’s negotiators.