WARNINGS! Israel just crossed the line and Netanyahu is in trouble | Redacted with Clayton Morris



President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s original warning to the American people was “Beware of the Military Industrial-Congressional Complex”.

War is just a racket.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people.
Only a small inside group knows what it is about.
It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.
– Major General Smedley Butler


  1. Yall best wake up befor its to late. Israel didn’t start all this BS, the ahamas did along with the palestines. This is not the first time Israel had to deal with these terrorists and it’s about time to end their thread once and for all. Yall cry for the palestines but not one tear for the moms and children murdered by ahamas. If it was your kids, moms and families yall be crying a different story. What’s wrong with yall, didn’t ya parents raise you right. Why do yall praise terrorists but try to shame victims. No matter how you try to twist this BS, it comes back to asking, why did the ahamas do this terrorists act when israel already gave e back all of the gaza strip, give water and electricity to them and left them come to israel for jobs. And yet they murdered helpless Children and parents. And here yall are still crying for terrorists over victims. Shame on you, your the problem in the world today. Why don’t yall go over there and stand with the terrorists instead of sitting here crying about your betters like yapping dog, cringing on the side porch. Yall know damn well yall won’t have a say over there, specially the women like the squad members. Over there they have to know there places . Not like here, they can run amuck all they want here and be safe. But we have to suffer for their corruption for backing terrorists. A eye for a eye , thatsxwhat the Bible saids. But it also saids not to judge others , yet here we are doing just that. And for what reason ??? Explain vthat to me so I can understand the doubt standards here. Where is the justice of it all. Think befor yall crooner BS like this.

  2. Who is this idiot???? He is actually drooling over the fact that Israel has taken a hit….He sounds like the woke LEFTIES here in the US. What a Monday night quartback!!!!!! The fact that he can stand there and gloat over the Israeli’s dying, shows his allegiance to HAMAS. Calling Hamas smart says everything about this monster. Hamas is the one who is dedicated to murdering, torturing PALESTINIANS, and oppressing their own people is sick. Israel is NOT oppressing Gaza. There are no jews in Gaza, in fact the week before ISRAEL was making plans to increase to the number of Palestinians to enter Israel to WORK!!!!!!!! Israelis were the ones who were spread in the diaspora. Palestinians are not from ISRAEL or PALESTINE!!! I am cutting off this blog. The nerve for him to say that Hamas doesn’t use the palestinians as human shields. JORDAN IS THE ONE WHO THREW THE PALESTINIANS OUT OF TRANS JORDAN!!!! He is spreading lies after Lies……. This moron doesn’t explain why NO OTHER ARAB COUNTRY WANTS THE PALESTINIANS!!!


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