‘Unconvincing’ Harris blunders by praising alliance with ‘Republic of North Korea’


Sky News host Chris Kenny says if US President Joe Biden’s “feeble mental state” forces him to step down, he would be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris – who is “not very convincing”. “Often trying to get out of awkward moments when she doesn’t know what she’s talking with forced laugher or repeating banal phrases,” he said. Mr Kenny said Ms Harris was recently at the Demilitarised Zone, which is one of the “world’s great strategic flashpoints” separating the communist dictatorship of North Korea from the democratic south. “There are no tricks here, the same divide has prevailed here for 70 years – but the Vice President of the US didn’t really seem to know whose side she was on,” he said. Mr Kenny said Ms Harris spoke of the positive relationship between the United States and the “Republic of North Korea” during her speech. “No Madam Vice President, North Korea is the enemy, they’re the bad guys,” he said.


I never bought into the whole voter fraud thing, but honestly, I’d rather believe there was voter fraud than believe there are this many dumb voters

How in heavens name can that woman be Vice president.


  1. I guess that during my visits to the Land of the Morning Calm I did not know that I was in the DPRK aka North Korea little did I know that I was there to help defend the DPRK and the South Koreans were going to be on their own I am glad that Harris is clearing things up

  2. SPACE…… is what is between her ears. Everyday…. we do what we do OMG… this BIMBO has sht for brains,,, no make that space. She is allied with NORTH Korea?? Dumb is not the word for this IDIOT.. She is an embarrassment to our country. The world is laughing at US because of THEM. Who in this country feels represented by this disaster?

  3. Where did she go to school? She must have cut history class. A lot of people make mistakes when speaking but she has made more than anyone I know.


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