THIS IS IT! The REAL reason U.S. and Israel invaded Gaza | Redacted News Live



We should give Mr. Paul the best medal a man can achieve in his lifetime for his honesty, courage, and his efforts to expose the embarrassing dirty liners, in this government.

I’m so sick of all the criminals in every country especially the United States


  1. How can you guys be so wrong on Israel and so right on everything else after the demonic horrible things Hamas did to innocent Jewish Adults, Teens and Babies?

    • You are so right, this channel is disgusting and it has turned into a pro Hamas anti Israel channel. After I heard Scott Ritters interview where he blamed Zionists for WWII, I lost interest. He had the nerve to say the Zionists wanted a country jews only….. what an idiot. Israel is not a pure jewish nation, but you can bet that the other Muslim countries are!!!!!! Clayton Morris ignores the history for which GAZA was a part of Israel and lost to the Egyptians,. Then the Israeli’s conquered it back from the war, and STILL the Israeli’s gave the land to the Arabs in exchange for peace in 2005. There has never been a day of peace. And there never will be!! I just saw a video of an IDF orthodox Chabad soldier singing to the kids in a Palestinian classroom a beautiful song in Arabic. YOU WOULD NEVER SEE THIS BY AN ARAB SOLDIER!!!!! As far as I’m concerned, Clayton Morris has lost all credibility! He talks about Nakbah, but IGNORES 850,000 jews exiled from every ARAB nation, and told the jews to get out and go home. Jews from Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria….. just like the Nazi’s forced the jews that were left after WWII to go home to Israel and get out of Europe. Such nonsense.

  2. The reason israel attacked the damned evil murdering rotten hamass is because hamass attacked them and murdered injured and hold hostage 6440 Jews! And hamass wasn’t going to stop. What is complicated about that, this is a really stupid video and article here!


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