This COVID study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told us | Redacted with Clayton Morris



I was treated like a leper because I would not take the shot. I think it will go down as one of the most obscene times in history.

Who else is happy that they remained pureblood?


  1. These radical,lying,hypocrites poisoned the population, and are still lying about how safe these vaccines were.U poisoned a generation of people,kids,elders, and a younger generation that is dying left and right, from heart disease.This government should pay for killing so many people, and maiming millions more.

    • Joe, Thanks for a great comment. 👍 I hope others will educate themselves on taking these vaccines and boosters, they are not safe.

  2. Go after the developers of the vaccines, like bill gates, faker Fauci and Dr. Malone! They have the blood of millions of people on their hands, and made bank doing it! Close all the bio labs down, sue them for crimes against humanity and murder! Only God knows what they are creating now, but rest assured they are much more deadly and infective. Also file charges against Biden for mandating these kill shots! He should pay for endangering our entire population! We all know he didn’t take the jab, he only got a saline injection, NOT the vaccine. Nor did gates or Fauci. They all lied and people died, and are still dying, because foolish people keep taking the boosters! I, for one will NOT take any vaccines with the mRNA sequence in them. Now they are shooting up our food animals with them. They will get the vaccine into us one way or another.

    • Patty, I couldn’t agree more 👍. When Biden was shown getting the vaccine I said it was not the real vaccine, it was a B12 shot. None of these politicians got this vaccine, they all faked it making people believe that it was safe. Biden told employers to fire people if they refused the vaccine. Bill Gates and Fauci wanted population control and they found a way to do so. Disgusting scumbags to do this to others. This is beyond evil.


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