Nudists In Washington Target Children And Win…[Weekly Walsh Original]



I lived in Seattle once. I wouldn’t move back and I definitely wouldn’t raise kids there. I want to live in a place where if somebody wants to front money for a public playground, they won’t be demonized for it. This whole story has so many layers of lunacy

It’s the old nudist paradox again, the kind of people who go to nudist spots are the last people in the world you want to see naked.


  1. To bad all the stupid people can’t see the truth of this queer BS. it’s all about turning kids queer so they can molest them. Why would you want your kids molested like this knowing it’s what the gay community is trying to do. They can cry all they want, but it don’t change a damn thing. Now the real guess is … how stupid are you for falling for this queer BS. Try saving your kids, instead if putting them in danger

    • This is perhaps the most stupid and ignorant comment I’ve EVER READ if Old Wolf had payed ANY attention AT ALL to the news story they just played, they would have seen that the gay community wanted to STOP a children’s playground from being built near a nude park / beach not ensure it!!
      As Old Wolf noted: if the “queer” agenda was to Turn kids queer so they can molest them then why did the gay community fight so hard to STOP the playground from being built which would have the effect of keeping children far Far away from the area
      So I would VERY much love for you to explain to me Old wolf just HOW exactly you perceived the “Queer B.S agenda “ of turning kids queer when the news story “I” just watched narrated by a close minded homophobe was about gay people fighting to keep kids AWAY from the areas they hang out naked in?


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