Liberal Media To Go Silent As Truth GETS EXPOSED About Gender Fluid Trans Iowa School Mass Shooter!



We must hold Trans Parents accountable

I love the “woke supremacy” narrative. It’s very fitting.


  1. I have no doubt that “bullies” create an environment that is intolerable to smaller, weaker, sensitive or otherwise vulnerable kids. Back when I was in school, the same kind of harassment was going on. A friend of mine hung himself when we were in the 9th grade because (my judgement) he was an easy target. There were many things he was sensitive about. He let the bullies see where they could degrade him, so they did. I was smaller than most of the bullies myself. I had two friends that were big like the bullies. They knew how to bully others themselves. They fought back on my behalf, when my loss seemed imminent. Sometimes bullies are needed to settle things down. Sometimes diverting the attention of bullies worked. I would laugh at two specific bullies once I found out how deep their fears were. I was once thrown into a patch of briars in a ravine by those two. I suppose that they stopped trying to mess with me when I understood how deep their fear of heights was. If I spread the word around, their macho would suffer in the eyes of their bully crowd. Not everybody is able to gain an upper hand like I did. I never did fear them. I just avoided them when possible. That kid in the story above might have been a victim who wanted to do something huge, to say he would not stay a victim. If that was his plan, he was an idiot. How could a six year old bully him? Was there a reason he chose the principal to shoot? Who knows? The video that was shown here seems to show a confused kid with no idea how to solve the real and the imagined problems he had. What was his home life like? God, family, friends and available help could have helped him make better choices. The entire situation pivoted on what he chose to do.


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