Letitia James To LOSE On Appeal – Caught On VIDEO About Trump



After Trump wins the appeals, I hope he counter sues for real and defamation damages to him and his family as well.

James for life in prison!


  1. The whole case against Trump is a sham designed to turn REAL Americans against him and to have them support a democrat dictator who hates America. I hope all of these charges are over turned or dropped and these greedy liars don’t get a dime but have to pay.

  2. I’m getting so tired of all the shit their doing to Trump and his family and that e Carroll person is so full of it Trump has more class than that old Hage she’s dreaming to think he would have any thing to do with her.

    • That Carroll bitch is a Damned LIAR !
      She has not a schread of evidence !
      Her book is not bringing in much money so she goes after Donald Trump !
      That Kangaroo Court Judge and BS Jury needs to be put behind bars !
      I wonder how much their cut of the Scam money they will share !

  3. While crying racist and white privileges, the black democrats prove who are the real racist privileged supremacist who hate whites like Trump. After all, to them, if your white you must be a racist. But not them, cause their black. Go figure !!!

  4. I agree , the judge should be disbarred the jury should be charged with being stupid, and the prostitute should be in jail but no, they let her off. She had no proof whatsoever that he did anything to her or even knew her for that fact, just because you take a picture with someone don’t mean you know them from now on, I’m just a common person but I will not take a picture with anybody in it that I don’t know because I don’t wanna be brought up on false charges either. They’re all stupid.


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