Joy Behar Says She Peed Herself in a Costco Over Trump Verdict



Those women on that show are vile. What they do not get is that this makes more people vote for Trump.

Trump for President/General 2024


  1. The view is one of the worst shows on tv. The cackling hens on that show are beyond stupid, they think their opinions are relevant, but not so. They are a propaganda arm of the lying demonrats, along with Colbert, and the so called late night comedians, who are NOT funny! All those shows should be cancelled! They are not aware that they are pushing more people into the TRUMP camp. I’m voting TRUMP!

  2. Hate to tell Behar, old ladies like her pee themselves on a daily basis, not big news! Oh, sorry, I mis spoke, Behar and the rest of the “ hosts” on the view are NOT ladies, they are disgusting!

  3. Joy behar is 81 years old and she and the other hacks on that show are the most disrespectful women on the air . Even the token republican that the are brainwashed if they have brain in their empty skulls. I wish the show would be taken off the air. They spun more lies that Joe Biden. Whoopi is worse than Joy and Sunny claims to be an attorney. All the hens are just democrats Hate Donald Trump and he is trying to save the country from all the crazy they are not democrats they are socialist. Is was democrat in 1968 I don’t recognize the party anymore. I walked away in 2015 and voted for Trump will vote for him this November.

  4. She must have a very big pussy hole and smell like a sewage!
    She’s lower than the lowest of a human. Nothing to brag about her pussy leaking!


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