Four Chicago Female Police Officers EPICALLY STRUGGLE AND FAIL To Arrest One Male Shoplifter!


A viral video posted on social media featuring four female Chicago police officers attempting to apprehend a suspected shoplifter has ignited a heated debate over the department’s health and fitness standards. The footage, which captured the struggle between law enforcement personnel and the alleged thief, has drawn attention to the importance of proper training and physical preparedness among officers in maintaining public safety.

Black Conservative Perspective discusses this on the youtube video below:


What an absolute embarrassment.
Our country has become a joke.

I fought in Iraq in 2004. I was in the infantry and in daily terrible firefights. Women in that environment would’ve been a disaster. We all have a mom and if we saw a woman in danger it could’ve affected our judgement. If things are exploding around you and bullets are whizzing by you need to be focused on the fight. Soldiers could jeapardize missions to protect women. There were females in Iraq when I was over there and they would even leave the base but they don’t belong in the infantry. In the infantry back here in America we did 25 mile road marches. There were limited short breaks. At least 200 pounds in your ruck sack plus full battle rattle. Add your weapon on top of that? Females weren’t made for that. Biology matters.


  1. What the heck, it’s not about doing the job, it is about equity and political correctness! You can’t expect the female officers to do their jobs also, besides their job is to break glass ceiling and wear the uniform!

  2. Wait … what ??? 4 women can’t take down one male. But they still say males playing in girls sport have no more power then the girls do. Well here’s the proof on that. 4 to 1 and they still lose. How is that going to prove their point of boys and girls are equal in girls sports. Don’t the female police have pepper spray or tasters to stop one dude. Just punch him in the go nades. Works everytime. This story is one for the schools who aloud boys in girls sports.

  3. I agree with you there or certain jobs women can not do . In military women could get someone killed. Stop putting women in position that will jeopardize certain operation . This is a clear danger in some careers. This women were weak and over weight! They do not look fit! Thank you for calling attention to this problem! I am a woman. I have seen danger with women in men jobs. A Lot of my guy friends were firemen. This is another job that women should not have. Unless they meet same standards as men!!! It is too dangerous. A trooper should not be a bady sitter for weak women. They need to do their job!


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