Crowd Stunned as ‘The View’s’ Whoopi Goldberg Tells Struggling Americans to Stop Complaining



Rich people who never go to the grocery store… Rich people who never actually pay their own bills. Rich people who who don’t actually worry about living paycheck to paycheck. Telling us how to live. Yeah right.

Whoopi is not who I’m worried about. I’m worried about the audience that blindly slurp up whatever she spews…


  1. There are not enough negative words to describe Goldberg’s ignorance, and not just in politics. Oprah and Whoopie are the most raciest people I have ever seen or heard of.

    • Really someone needs to educate Whoopie, because right now she is just spewing lies and maybe because she’s only interested in the race part and not the intellegent part. She needs to shut her mouth until she can get it in her brain that we are being invaded by who knows who. If she wants to live with all these unveted ppl than she should be paying for them and not us tax payers.
      I agree with Alice Adamek

    • I will stop complaining about her boy friend Biden when she gives $1000,000.00 to every REAL American who makes less than $1,000.00 per month and opens her mansions to every ILLEGAL to live in. Untill then SHUT YOUR FAT MOUTH SWINE.

  2. Whoopi Goldberg is nothing more than a loud mouth delusional liberal and a grand narcissist. Hey Whoopi!!! “What are you afraid of” you and your attitude are exactly why so many African Americans dont succeed. It is you and those like you who keep the flames a racial equality going for your own sick agenda. Rather than focusing on level playing fields and equality. You and idiots like you want to dumb down America and standards of expectations of a normal society. Yet you choose to fan flames of race and delusional disparities which are ultimately leading to death and the destruction of this great country and it’s values due to the impact you have on society due to YOUR fame and fortune. Actually you’re no better the Trump in that regard. What are you really afraid of???

    • She seems to go towards white men for herself, remember Ted Danson? Wasn’t she one who said I will move out of the country if Trump gets in? Didn’t happen. Can’t watch her show everyone has to agree w/her and the redhead.

  3. First. yah tripp’n! Whoopi can’t be racist, she didn’t set up this system, or those institutions that make up this system to benefit a certain group at expense to others not like that groups. Secondly, what she just said is her opinion; and just like ass@@ we all have one and are entitled to that. Lastly, i’m tryna figure out what she said that was truly wrong. How did her comment about respecting others [immigrants] wind up being about ‘racism.’ [although amerikkka is about racist posturing and has history of such.] Her opinion has nothing to do with ‘why so many african americans don’t succeed.” Blatantly incorrect and a supremacist statement. You all be still and try to learn something. Er’body complaining about what she said are no doubt the descendants of –IMMIGRANTS!!!!!

    • Go ahead and support the pig. You don’t seam to understand what she and her boy friend Biden are doing. I have a great idea. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO AWAY WITH YOUR LIES.

  4. Okay whoop, how about giving up your citizenship. With the clothes on your back and the money in your pocket. Board a plane with 368 others and we send you to Gaza and let you get to know the people.? One stipulation, you can never set foot in the USA ever again.

  5. I seem to remember one of Whopis best friends stating that REPUBLICANS should be put into camps for re_education and indoctrination. It always amazes me how forgetfull loud mouth democrats really are. WHOPPI AND MS REED OF MSNBC re two of a kind.

  6. She can stick it where the sun does not shine! I’m a living on Social Security and with this last raise I’m still trying to make ends meet. She needs to try living on it !!

    By the time I pay on auto insurance, note on my truck, and credit cards, groceries, life insurance cell phone bill.I have a total of 10.00 to due me until the next month’s check and then I start all over again.

  7. Same here Jack. I live on SS payment of just under $1,500 per month. Same bills plus 8 different meds. With Biden’s inflation I have nothing till the next month. Then if I stop eating and buying food I might be better off. Would like to see the fat swine live on that. Plus I am a veteran who served his country. The only thing she ever served is self.

  8. I am not sure about this, but I read somewhere that whoopie has a solid gold toilet seat. If that is true, cash in the seat, and spread the money around to real Americans who could really use the money.

  9. Goldberg is a nasty pig along with the other pig Behar. They both run their mouths about issues that they know nothing about. When was the last time they went hungry or didn’t have money to pay their bills? And as far as Goldberg constantly saying remarks about white people, she always stirs the pot about how the white people are all nasty and racist when she is the one who has the problem with being racist. I don’t want to hear anything about her because she is a hateful, disgusting person, doesn’t deserve to live in this country because she spews lies and if she cared about illegals welfare then she should give her salary to them. All rich people have a lot to say about helping illegals but they don’t put their money where their mouth is. It’s left up to others who are struggling to survive themselves. I hope they all leave the country when President Trump gets elected. We don’t need people like them here.


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