BOOM! Trump Posts Fan Fantasy of Judge’s Arrest, Drama Ensues


In this special report, Gary Franchi brings a no-nonsense take on the latest developments surrounding Donald Trump. From Trump’s provocative social media posts suggesting a citizen’s arrest of his trial judge and AG Letitia James, to the House GOP’s criminal referral against Michael Cohen, we cover it all. Plus, don’t miss the heated exchange between Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Cuomo live on TV. Trump Jr.’s scathing remarks on NYC and its leadership add another layer to this unfolding political drama. Stay tuned for an insightful final thought that connects these events to the bigger picture of America’s political landscape. This is a story that matters deeply to every American who values our republic’s integrity.

The Next News Network discusses it in the YouTube video below:


We be happy when Trump back in the WH, we have our Allie back

This wouldn’t be the first time Christy has been proven wrong!


  1. The liberal left democrats and Rinos are the scum of the earth. Cathy you’re right the left and these Rinos can’t stand that President Trump has his act together and was a great president for 4 years, going through all the fake crap they were throwing at him, coming through it all with flying colors! If the left didn’t have their billionaires backups helping to pay for the corruption they would be standing around with their fingers up their a.. because they don’t have what it takes to make and keep our country safe. They are selfish, self centered only wanting power, control and money. The liberal left doesn’t and never has cared for the citizens of this country. They kept a tight hold on the black community promising them a better life but as soon as they got the black votes it was forgotten about. They did this for many decades and now finally the black community has had enough, they are moving on to a party who will hear and support their problems and help them to receive benefits for themselves and their families. Our country is like no other but leftist democrats can’t accept that they want a One World Order. Trump 2024!!!!!!


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