Fannie must be held accountable – disbarred and imprisoned – fined – for the tax payers money and time – defamation of character for President Trump

President Trump is a good man him will never do anything to destroy America


  1. F’ing Fat Fani Willis is a mountain of Lying Bovine Excrement she needs to be Disbarred, and put away in to a Federal Prison for no less than 10 years without possible parole or pardon !
    President Donald J. TRUMP is NOT GUILTY !

  2. BUT, will we see any action for justice and to permanently END and STOP these blatant crimes and treasons from ever happening again that is destroying our country!? If these people in these high offices are not made examples of and punished to the fullest, it will continue to keep happening because they MADE themselves above and exempt from our laws as they weaponize those high offices against opponents and against those they conspire to to destroy to keep their power over the people and over the tax dollars. They know that they will be defended and protected by all the rest of the criminals in high offices. No matter what party does this, no matter what branch, what department, what entity of that high office is, it’s a crime, it’s treason, and must never be allowed to happen ever again. The book must be thrown at them hard. And, a thorough vetting of all people holding any office inside our government is a MUST, and to make sure the temptation of those who hold these highest offices INSIDE our government are never used and weaponized again, they must be continually thoroughly vettted to make sure this will never happen again. Evidently the temptation to ruin their opponents and even punish and ruin our citizens who oppose them, is too great for them to resist their urges to destroy another person. We MUST elect people of faith, ethics, integrity, honesty, decency, dignity, honor, principles, morals, character, loyalty to our Constitution, to our country, to our citizens, and those who have a strong conscience of what is good and what is bad…. the (guilty) party in charge of our nation, of our borders, of our laws, of our citizen’s lives and the welfare of our citizen’s lives, and the integrity of our elections don’t have any, not a single one, of these must have traits.

  3. These corrupt leftists liberals are being controlled by George Soros and his son Alexander. Both Soros’s are putting multi millions of dollars into taking President Trump down. Soros wants a one world order with him being the dictator. All of our freedoms will be destroyed if this rotten bastard gets his way.

  4. Face it, the far left Communist democrat party has to do what ever it can to stop Trump now. cause they know come election time in 2024, their screwed. They have no one to best trump . Not after all the stupid BS they did in the last 4 years. There’s way to many to list here , but iam sure you know already what they are. After all, your helping to pay the price for them. They cry how much better things are now, but there still not to where Trump had them. You have to better then the last one running things in order to say your doing better. and we all see how screwed up things are and, the prices we now have to pay. Things are not better now, then there were 4 years ago. That’s the bottom line. The democrats no longer work for the people.


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