Cheney and J6 Committee Just Got CAUGHT as Trump EXONERATED!!!



The whole J6 committee should be thrown to jail. These people are dangerous to society.

OK, I want the January 6th political prisoners of war freed now!!! And Liz imprisoned!


  1. I have read that Bill Clinton changed the rules so that 1 person could own all the media in this Country. I also read that Barry Sorento made it very hard to sue the media when they lie. If these things are true, why don’t the Republicans do something to change these rules back to the way that they were? Would this not be a good start to getting the truth out to the American Public?

  2. How can this be when the guilty ones walk free, while the innocent ones sit in prison. They got the proof of it all, yet things remain the same. Is this how were supposed to live now in the usa. Live by the democrats lies and rules. While they live by a different set of rules. The democrats shame our country try and their families. And yet the fools vote them back in office by hook or crook. Go figure !!!

  3. The only reason the guilty walk free and the innocent sit in prison with all the proof anyone needs to prove this is true the answer is simple. The republicans. They do nothing to stop it, just talk, talk, talk. Where has that got them? until the people on the right love this country enough to stand up for it and stop the democrats it will only get worse. you see talking is not working, so it’s past time to do something else. if you don’t know what that is get your head outta the sand.

  4. Nancy Pelosi blocked the National guard request from Trump. It was a setup to smear Trump of any future elections. These people are evil and need to be stopped. Marxist, Communist, Nazi’s, Socialist and Dictators.
    Take you pick, I think they are a bit of all of them.


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