She can’t be serious… lol



When i die , please don’t let me vote Democrat . Trump 2024 . FJB .

He can’t be held accountable because he’s senile but let’s let him run our country??


  1. The day Biden croaks will be a glorious day for this country, followed by the rest of the scum bag leftists liberals such as Piglousy, MaxPad Waters, Schumer, Schiff, the Squad, and let’s not forget the Clintons, and the Obama’s. I wish them and others not mentioned by name ( you know who they are ) to burn in hell for eternity after the stunt they pulled on the USA. They are all a disgrace and shouldn’t be allowed to live here.

  2. What I don’t get is, the fact the democrats Been saying Trump is worse then Biden yet trump is ok to stand trial, while Joe isn’t. How does that make any sense. It looks like another way the democrats are using to fix the elections. When does all the corruption stop, and the real guilty party stand trial for that corruption. That’s the right question to ask.

    • Old wolf, I understand what you mean because I don’t get it either about Biden not being made accountable for his actions and they are covering up his mental state. Biden has been corrupt for many decades, this just didn’t happen over night. It’s just like the saying… He steps in shit but comes out smelling like a rose.

  3. The real sad and pathetic ironic truth is that this proves how corrupt the Democrats are. They put some poor guy that is needing to be tucked away in his room nightly in a position for them to use this degenerate to promote their agendas. When he starts to fail their tasks and embarrass them if that’s possible he gets thrown to the wolves.


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