Texas must be very careful that this does not descend into chaos, with the arrival of trucks and militia members. The Demo’s successfully baited a bunch of Conservatives into entering the Capitol Bldg on Jan 6, and declared it an “insurrection”, jailing hundreds of good citizens without bail. The moment the gathering at the border gives the slightest excuse, Biden will declare it a national emergency and crush it…..completely unlike his handling of the BLM and Antifa riots during the Covid farce. They are utterly devious and opportunistic in this regard, and are simply waiting for an excuse to inflict their will on the people involved.
Agree 100% that it can be a bait set. I also agree that nothing was done regarding the Burning, Looting, Maiming and other destruction forces. Womder if that was a planned agenda by those in the highest authority of our country.
We The People are the ones who decide what dose and dose not happen in our states not a dictator. When will people wake up and see what is REALLY happening. People have a constitutional right to defend their homes and self as well as country. Use your rights people, lock and load.
Texas must be very careful that this does not descend into chaos, with the arrival of trucks and militia members. The Demo’s successfully baited a bunch of Conservatives into entering the Capitol Bldg on Jan 6, and declared it an “insurrection”, jailing hundreds of good citizens without bail. The moment the gathering at the border gives the slightest excuse, Biden will declare it a national emergency and crush it…..completely unlike his handling of the BLM and Antifa riots during the Covid farce. They are utterly devious and opportunistic in this regard, and are simply waiting for an excuse to inflict their will on the people involved.
Agree 100% that it can be a bait set. I also agree that nothing was done regarding the Burning, Looting, Maiming and other destruction forces. Womder if that was a planned agenda by those in the highest authority of our country.
We The People are the ones who decide what dose and dose not happen in our states not a dictator. When will people wake up and see what is REALLY happening. People have a constitutional right to defend their homes and self as well as country. Use your rights people, lock and load.