MSNBC Blames ‘Far Right’ For Young WOKE Voters Saying ‘F YOU’ To Democrats And ABANDONING Joe Biden!



Trump gets the blame for everything!! Keep up the good work Greg. Make America Great Again!! Trump 2024. FJB!!

The uptick in the term FAR-RIGHT, to label normal people seems to be the new go to word instead of racist.


  1. I rather think the ones saying “F Democrats” have just heard enough of the Dem’s lies and witnessed enough of their unethical behavior, their failure to adhere to their solomn oath to support and defend the Constitution when all they do is try to change it to con the people, the actions that cause the taxpayers to suffer while blame anyone or anything else for their
    failures. Appears that group who dislike the Dems jus got “woke up”

    • The left can change the definition of Fascism to escape what is happening with the current presidents policies but, it is truly Fascism.

  2. The people will catch you in your lives. And when they do, you will no longer have their support. And that’s what’s happening now. The people Will listen to the lies and wake up and say that’s it no more.
    And that’s what’s happening all I can say is hallelujah

  3. It is about time our young people are seeing what the demonrats are doing to our country. They see their future is in jeopardy, and they are turning against them. Now they need to see all this is the Obama agenda, he needs to be held accountable as well. He started dividing our country, used the race card, and still is. He is secretly running our country through his puppet Biden, and will destroy our country, as planned, because he hates us, our country, and pushes the racial divide. He wants a race war to destroy ALL of us.


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