MUST WATCH: John Kennedy Absolutely Goes Off On New CFPB Rule: ‘What In The–?’



The idea that we work and our tax dollars are being taken from us to pay for this ridiculous bullshit blows my mind. Additionally thank you Senator Kennedy.

I am constantly astonished by the stupidity and inefficiency in our government. Why on earth would this risqué rule ever be on the floor, debated, and approved? $400,000,000 spent by a government agency to have banks ask private personal questions during a loan vetting process is not only ridiculous and salacious but trashy.


  1. It’s called everything, including us. The government no longer works for the people, they now work for their party for the corruption. While we the people suffer so others can gain cause of greed and power hunger country’s. How about us first, for once. Not line your pockets from our misfortunes. Trump worked for free , for the people, yet is hated by so many. Now yall starting to see the real dirty job of the far left. The far left has yall cheering the aggressors and shaming the victims over in the gaza strip and Israel. Just remember who started the hole mess over there. One wonders how yall would feel if the ahamas did to your family like they did to the Jewish families. Would yall still go protest and back the guilty like ya are now. You can’t make this stupid BS up, yall are that brain dead that you do favor the guilty ones instead of the victims. That alone makes you the real racist idoits yall cry about. Go figure. To bad ya parents didn’t raise yall right.

  2. You all voted for this lilly livered, D.E.I. stupidity. It started with Half N’ Half….“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”-Obama

    Now we have D.E.I. and tannies in the milifairy, Hamas in our univershitties and box checked incompetent stupes in every government office.

    Now Newsom from Krapafornia wants to further the destruction of America that Mulato boi started.


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