20 Treacherous RINOs SABOTAGE Jim Jordan!!!



Trump needs to come out strong and say anyone that doesn’t back JIM JORDAN will not have his endorsement, and he will endorse a primary challenger. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Uni-party at its finest, this is why its time for a new conservative party for America and the people


  1. I agree it is time to tell Americans who they are and it’s voters can chew them out for not doing their job and Trump should tell these things if they don’t straighten they are gone

  2. Both parties are so fractured and extreme left and right, there needs to be a Conservative party with a strong pair to get through the bs in Washington DC. We need a party that actually works for the people, not making deals to guarantee votes.

  3. This is why I am considering, after being a life long Republican in
    changing to be an independant…These congressman are doing more
    damage to the Republican party that any Democrat could do…they are
    proving to the world the Republican Party in this country can not
    govern. I sincerely hope their respective constituants vote them out of
    office…I am done with this stupidity…

  4. Weak kneed Republicans make me sick. We need true conservatives in Congress. If the Democrats keep spending excessively we will default. Americans will lose everything!

  5. It’s time to remove all the RINOS from the Republican Party. Why are they calling themselves republicans when all they do is side with the left. Stop with this bullshit already! Kevin McCarthy should have never been removed, but since that is done Jim Jordan should have the chance. If this shit keeps up with these RINOS the Republican Party won’t have to worry about anyone voting for them because we will all be voting independent!!! If you think I’m kidding try me!


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