Ex Marine Charges in Jordan Neely Case BACKFIRE On DA Alvin Bragg



Neely kidnapped a 7 year old black girl and beat an elderly woman cracking her skull but these are the type of people democrats support.

Officer Tatum is correct. Most people wouldn’t do anything to help others. This Marine stood up when he didn’t have to and protected others. He is a hero.



  1. The marine is a hero. no doubt about it.

    Once again Braggs proves he is just a stupid racist bigot.

  2. I hope he sues the heck out of the one’s charging him and walks away a millionaire. We need a lot more like him to put a stop to the bullies and morons. Neely was a nut case and no one was doing anything to help his situation, and when he went totally nuts and someone had to step in to keep him from hurting of killing passengers, then the very people that were responsible (family) wants to lock up the great HERO and wait they will sue and the City will pay them millions for doing nothing for Neely.

  3. Maybe you lovers didn’t see the same video. Why was this trained marine the only one who feared this 127lb man. He could have subdued him with killing him. The new modern day lynching.

      • Exactly! I am a democrat and would never convict him for taking a stand! He had NO intention of doing bodily harm, was trying to subdue, if he would have quit struggling to get away, this would have never come to this! Sure glad I wasn’t on that bus!

  4. Are the majority of people in New York really as STUPID as they are being portrayed? Do they really not realize how differently things would be if they voted out some of the liberal trash who have taken down their State. Have all the ones with any smarts at all already left the State and moved elsewhere?
    I don’t understand, call me stupid….how long before New York is just like Chicago…..unsafe to even walk down the street without fear of being attacked or killed. Tell me please, where else would you be arrested as many times as Neeley has been and still be released back to the street without punishment. Folks, he kidnapped a child and beat her severely and he crushed an elderly woman’s head just because he was having a bad day and was pissed off. Let that sink in for a minute……
    WTH does it take for someone like Neeley, who claims to be mentally ill when it convenient, to be literally put away as a public nuisance in order to protect the public as well as him.
    Your Mr Bragg has proven himself in his last case he handled, trying to make himself a name, to be one of the most dumb, uninformed, or misguided embarrassment to the State of New York!
    And now once again his ignorance is showing. Who arrest someone for protecting innocent people from a maniac whom the legal system has unleashed on the public and refused to stop for years! Had this been my child or my mother who he had attacked, I can guarantee you I would have shot him down like the rabid dog he was and taken my chances in Court, especially if I had any inkling how many others lives had been destroyed by this man’s hands and no punishment was ever given by the wonderful legal system in place!!!!!
    Rant over. Bless you young man for doing the right thing. God Bless You thru this whole stupid ordeal!!!!!

  5. Democrat politics at its finest. No police in sight. Man causing trouble after 40 arrests – and still on street. Civilian stops harrassment of innocent passengers. All thank him. Black aggitators call for his arrest. DA reacts to political dogwhistle. Does no one in New York see anything wrong here? Your DA is a Political Creep. Your police department is AWOL A citizen steps forward to protect strangers from a criminal -AND HE GETS ARRESTED! Think of this idiocy next time you vote!


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