I hate to say it but the residents of Chicago voted for this.
The new mayor elect has publicly stated that he would welcome migrants.

Lemme say this…I’m a Hispanic myself. I have been screaming at the top of my lungs to make them come here the right way. These people have NO idea who they are letting in. Some of the most notorious killers come from South America. The gangs over there aren’t brutal, they are devils. They will do things to you and your loved ones that you never ever thought could happen. I went to middle school with so many pregnant 12 and 13 year olds no joke- most couldn’t speak coherent English and their boyfriends were ranging mid twenties early thirties. I got into a car accident…who hit me? An illegal 18 year old who sped off and I ended up catching up to. Could t speak a lick of English…how was he reading the street signs?? Stop the bleeding heart bullshit- they don’t respect our laws and they show that by flooding our borders k owing full and well that the American people are pissed as hell about them taking all our resources. Tell me…why do other countries have such strict regulations to become a citizen but we let the the worse of the worse in no if’s ands or buts. I sit here every paycheck staring at the non existent money taken via taxes. We get threatened every year with when tax time comes around. Hiring 50k additional IRS agents to hunt each and every one of us down. Monitoring every transaction over $600 but these people get to just waltz in, take our jobs, take our resources. This is outeageous


  1. It’s encouraging to see this new found light that is waking up the citizens of Chicago as well as millions across the country. Yes! this is NOT a racist issue it’s an American issue. The fact that these unvetted immigrants pay absolutely NO MONEY towards the areas that they are being dumped into, but instead any monies that are available to the area is being sucked up and being given to them by woke folk. That them have this hotel, a new cell phone, cash, clothes, cars, medical care not pay a dime toward the goods that they now own and what do you get? NADA!…..but you do get to pay for this insult and BS. If they bring in diseases you also have to pay in taxes for spreading it into your neighborhoods. Hospital’s all over loaded with immigrants.. you pay for that too. Loss of available jobs, housing, assistance all being giving to those who are not American citizens. Drugs, crime when these things are already prevalent and you mayor has no intention to being back the police officers that could stem the tide of lack of political assistance. Democrats like Biden only have one agenda…. make themselves as rich as they can before walking away in a big fancy car to a big fancy house and never looking back at the horrific mess they’ve left behind.


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