Little Petey doesn’t care, he’s still having someone drop him and his bike off a block from his office to give the illusion that he bikes work!
$7K credit for electric automobiles, Ford raises price 6K-8K, still wouldn’t buy one. And aren’t batteries made in China, and to make batteries you have to get the material from China?
50% of the American population is over 55 and out of the work force, so where the hell are we, they, supposed to come up with that kind of money for a CAR? This Peter Pan, Neverland new world that the WOKE are forcing on society have completely negated, mocked, disrespected and forgotten about the “aging” community. Forced on by those who have NO financial concerns and can milk their “supporters” through politics until the day they die. They can afford electric cars, nannies, house keepers, lawn services and massive homes. HEY…d -Bags… fifty percent of us CANT… and guess what… Age is the one restriction that hits us all.. unless you die young. As seniors, we have become the whipping post for AOC, and her misguided, drug addicted, victimized ilk. They blame us for their incompetence and inability to function in a realistic world, so they have created an imaginary one. A Christmas shopping list of what we owe them by way of freebies… while making every day living nearly impossible ….
We can always hope AIDS will get rid of the queer. Then he won’t have to worry about old age.