Woke LITTLE GIRL FLIPS OFF Protestors At Pride Parade



I’m a firm proponent of kids being allowed to be kids and not be dragged into protests for validation

Too young to understand what she’s doing, let alone understand either side. The parent / guardian (unlikely plural) is definitely to blame here.


  1. We are definitely at the point in time that Marxist ideology has reached the end game and that is to turn young impressionable children to be disrespectful, vulgar, and let’s not forget haters of the men in blue as we have seen on display recently. CRT is purposed to indoctrinate the young to believe a LIE about the founding of our great and beloved republic coupled with the “drag Queen” in schools endorsed by some parents and applauded by our woke government leadership our nation in on a steady course of “fundamental change”that BHO advocated for eight years. We are staring Evil in the face friends.
    If you vote wrong in November and in 2024 you will regret it in spades!

  2. And we wonder why the country is going to HELL!!!!!
    I would tear my little girls rear end up if she ever did anything close to that!

    • well the democrats are perverts. bill clinton, Anthony wiener, joe biden. heck the whole Epstein list is democrats. that is why they don;t want it released.

      the clinton’s obama and schiff are on it several times. Oprah flew herself to Epstein island 11 times.

      a vote for democrats is a vote for perversion.

  3. We never know the background of these type people, but i got a good idea. This is what happens with open border policies that have been in effect for decades. We get nothing but scum bags without morals or principles. They come from countries that lacked law & order and proper up bringing. They are already full of anger and hate ready to vet their anger in America. We need to round them all up who are illegally in our country and send them back to where they came. Close our borders until we learn once again to properly vent aliens that will add prosperity instead of welfare status.

  4. What kind of news is this supposed to be this kid doesn’t have clue nor do her parents Gay pride soon these people will wish they had kept it in the closet

  5. well the democrats are perverts. bill clinton, Anthony wiener, joe biden. heck the whole Epstein list is democrats. that is why they don;t want it released.

    the clinton’s obama and schiff are on it several times. Oprah flew herself to Epstein island 11 times.

    a vote for democrats is a vote for perversion.

  6. Don’t post the little brats picture. If we would quit giving them free advertising maybe we could cut down on some of their crap. Why would
    a parent let their young daughter do something like that? that is just terrible!!!!

  7. I’ll bet you that little demon girl rules over her parents. Why the hell would ANYONE expose their kids to this filth and in person. Stupid parents that’s who.


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